Storia della bambola Barbie nel corso degli anni - DarSaGiocattoli

History of the Barbie Doll Over the Years

History of Barbie

is one of the most iconic and popular dolls in the world, with a long history and rich evolution over the years. Created in 1959 by Ruth Handler, wife of the co-founder of Mattel , inspired by her daughter Barbara.

The first Barbie had blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore a striped bathing suit. In the early 1960s, Barbie began to explore new careers and fashion styles. New versions of the doll were introduced, including Astronaut Barbie and Supermodel Barbie . Over the years, she has evolved to represent greater diversity, with dolls from different ethnic groups and independents.

The Barbie line has embraced cultural and social diversity. In the new millennium, Barbie has continued to evolve, showing a more realistic and inclusive image of women. Different body types, skin tones and hair styles have been introduced.

Barbie has gone through many transformations over the years, always remaining an icon of fashion and popular culture. Her ability to adapt to the times and represent diversity has contributed to her enduring success.

DarSaGiocattoli offers a wide range of Barbie dolls in its catalog, come and discover the fantastic world of the best-selling doll in the world.

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