Our company

Born from a passion for vintage toys, DarSaGiocattoli has evolved more and more. Today, our goal is to offer adults and children the entertainment they prefer. Offering a wide choice of games and entertainment for all tastes. From the most famous brands to wooden toys, from modern entertainment to those of the past…
Particular attention is paid to the selection of timeless products. A combination that smells of tradition and modernity.
Company Information and Registered Office:
DarSa of Porretta Dario
Valley Street 9
00060 Magliano Romano (RM)
VAT: IT16667421008
Reg.Imp. PRRDRA83B11L025L
REA RM - 166991
20th September Square 32
00060 Sacrofano (RM)
Customer Support:
Phone: 3314526939 (Whatsapp)
Opening hours: Mon-Fri (10.00-18.00)
e-mail: darsagiocattoli@gmail.com